21ου Φεστιβάλ Θρησκευτικής Μουσικής Πάτμου, υπό το φως της πανσελήνου, με την εκπληκτική συναυλία ηλεκτροακουστικής μουσικής που συνδιοργάνωσε το Κ.ΣΥ.Μ.Ε., με έργα Ελλήνων (Κ. Μαντζώρος και Ν. Χαριζάνος), Αρμενίων και Περσών συνθετών και με ερμηνευτές την Τάνια Σικελιανού (βιολί) και τον ψάλτη Αναστάσιο Στέλλα.International Festival of Sacred Music in Patmos, Day 2. – Electronic and conteporary music based on the Ease music and Byzantine paths.
“The eternal present”
A contemporary work written by Nickos Harizanos for Cantor, Narrator, Video and prerecorded material. The work was presented yesterday in the Festival of Sacred Music in Patmos.
It was a great honor and pleasure for me to be part of this.
Taking the scores in my hands, from the first moment I found the work so interesting, deep in the St. Paul’s and the Gospel’s words, complicated inside a phenomenal simplicity. This acrobatic writing combining the contemporary composition through a Byzantine approach and interpretation, worked perfectly.
Nickos Harizanos I tried to give life to your thoughts, and I am very happy for this. I believe it worked. Thank you so much for the opportunity and the trust.
Some photos for now, as the official material will be released after the end of the Festival, from the preparation and the concert. The same night, Tania Sikelianou has interpreted music from Iran, Teheran and the Greek composer Costas Mantzoros in an extraordinary, unique and full of passion way!
Thomas Tamvakos started the journey of the audience introducing with musicological and historical comments on the works and their composers.